Images Backlinks Used for SEO

Backlinks are links on one website to another site. For example: Example,,
Backlinks can be in the form of an image as well as text. If use images as link, the anchor link text is the alt tag of the image.
Anchor link text is the text that’s the clickable part of a backlink. It may be a URL, branded , phrases etc….If google fetches the backlinks then its seperatly store as follow or dofollow links in to their boxes
A nofollow link is has rel=”nofollow” attribute applied to it, which tells Google to not use that link only calculating the trust and authority of the page being linked to.
Dofollow links, which have no rel=”nofollow” attribute applied to them, and this links are Google used in in their ranking algorithm, dofollow is more valuable than nofollow links,
many website are available to find your website backlinks , and also find which are dofollow and nofollow links
example website are
- Google Webmaster Tools
- Ahreff
Some offer their service as free otherare paids , i think google webmaster is free and You can see a near complete list of who is linking to your website from within your Google Webmaster Tools account. its completely free of cost Login, go to ’Traffic’ and then ‘Links’.
image back links
Many of them are doubted the images links are consider as backlinks? , yes it consider but to get benefit on that you should add an alt tags because google , bing like search engines it consider as anchor text for links that contain images
Each of seo expert have their own rules and their own ways to ranking websites . many of them are now use image backlinks . here are the list of image directories
- (Clipart)
- (Clipart)
- (Stock Photography)
- (Stock Photography)
- (Icons)
- (Icons)
upload your photographs or clipart r free opf cost and then you have a chance to get link to your credit as an author. And this is basically how you get backlinks.
Back links From High Authority websites which will improve our authority too
Searching by image
Sometimes, people will like Your images on your websites so much, that they’ll copy it and paste it up on their own website . And sometimes, they might even forget to, ehm, give credit for the image. don’t panic! It’s a great opportunity to get a backlink!
This will help in google image searches , your images ranking high with your website links
How You can boost your images with socialmedia
Google+ communities are one of the most vibrant places on that social network and should be targeted to gain traffic and +1s,
let’s explore link back opportunities on Twitter and share images via twitter. more tweetand retweet your images or your post become more popular and get more traffic
Facebook is the largest social network in the world, you can share your images via facebook this wiill gie you more traffi to your websites
Tags: images seo, seo backlnks images
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