App Store Optimization
ASO in Store
The higher your apps ranks top in the app store, higher is the number of potential visitors . subsequently the increased number of potential visitors get transformed in to increased number of downloading rates. App optimization actually targets on this principle. This is the technique used to rank your apps top in the app stores as well as search results. Thousands of apps are now being available in app store, so it is very important to use this secret weapon to get bring your app to the top position.
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How to do app store optimization
Android and IOS app store optimization
There are 5 components in app optimization in android platforms.
IOS platforms also uses certain tips in app optimization. The most important one is to include a video. Like android plat forms IOS platforms also uses titles and subtitles to describe the app. Positive reviews are also an important at score meter.
Benefits of app sore optimization
App store optimization does not earn instant results, but it is a lengthy process. With a constant and efficient app optimization you can keep your apps stable and competition resistant.